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Dear HERU community:

With a successful HERU 2024 Conference completed, it is time to turn our attention to selecting a host for the seventh biennial conference, HERU 2026.  

If you are interested in hosting HERU in late May or early June 2026, please send your white paper by August 15, 2024. Consider including the following in your white paper: an overview of your location including any unique aspects of your university/city, potential underwriting opportunities, projected conference attendance fees, anticipated conference length/tentative schedule, and estimated conference capacity. 

Upon review of the submitted white papers, the 2024 planning committee will request more detailed proposals to be submitted by October 15, 2024. Click here for the proposal from the HERU conference in Lexington that might be useful as a template. Please note that HERU 2024 benefited from significant financial support from the University of Kentucky's provost; registration fees and overall budgets for the next conference may look substantially different depending on resources available to the eventual host.

The final task of the 2024 planning committee will be to review proposals and determine the next site. With the passing of the baton, we will stand ready to offer our experience and suggestions to help the next conference host to be successful.

All the best, 

Christian M. M. Brady

HERU 2024 Conference Planning Committee Chair