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Bess German, Assistant Dean, Michigan State University Honors College
Moradeyo Olorunnisola, Director of Admissions, Penn State University Schreyer Honors College
Lynette Yarger, Associate Dean of Equity and Inclusion, Penn State University Schreyer Honors College

Research on supporting high achievement of underrepresented students (e.g., minoritized students, low-income students, first generation students) provides evidence that intentional measures such as starting early, providing a range of psychosocial supports, removing barriers, and setting high expectations are needed to foster strong student success outcomes for this set of learners (Olszewski-Kubilius & Clarenbach, 2012). Evaluations of pre-college gifted and talented education programs also show positive relationships between program participation and increased academic, personal, and social development of underrepresented students when careful thought is given to the structure and nature of the program.

In this roundtable we will share cases of early Honors pathway programs, even as early as middle school, that encourage underrepresented students to become scholars through pursuit of enriched educational opportunities such as bridge programs, Honors Colleges/Programs, and research opportunities. The session will engage participants in active sharing of questions, ideas, partnerships, and practices for these programs. By providing a means for students to connect with our institutions and organizations through early pathways, we can better address the needs and aspirations of an increasingly diverse set of learners.