Administrative Leadership CoHE Business Meeting and a Discussion on the Future of CoHE and HERU
Jonathan Williamson, CoHE Executive Director, University of Houston
Pat Akos, CoHE Board Member, University of Tennessee
Sheila Amin, CoHE Board Member, University of Central Florida
Heidi Appel, CoHE Board Member, University of Houston
Bethany Blackstone, CoHE Board Member, James Madison University
Lynda Coon, CoHE Board Member, University of Arkansas
Jennifer Lease Butts, CoHE Board Member, University of Connecticut
This workshop would serve two purposes. First, the Executive Board of the Council on Honors Education (CoHE) will host the annual CoHE Business Meeting with an agenda to be set and distributed prior to the conference. Second, the workshop will serve as an open conversation amongst all interested parties about how CoHE and HERU’s relationship might evolve in the future. Since its founding as an expansion on the annual meeting amongst the Honors leaders at Big 10 universities, HERU has served the needs of Honors colleges and programs at research universities through its biannual conference. Born during the pandemic, CoHE has similarly served the needs of public and land grant universities through primarily online programming. Given that the two audiences largely intersect and the programming each organization offers does not compete, the workshop will consider what the future relationship between the two organizations should be.